FAll 2024
Research Poster
Economic and Operational Evaluation of HelixVM: B2B Perspectives
HelixVM™ is an online healthcare marketplace that connects patients with doctors virtually, offering medical consultations, prescriptions, and other healthcare services without the need for showed that the platform enables
doctors to manage more patients while providing quicker access to care for patients.
To drive greater adoption and expand its user base, HelixVM partnered with referral organizations, including employers and specialized healthcare systems. The platform helps bridge gaps in healthcare by improving documentation, coordination, and communication, allowing healthcare providers, employers, and patients to navigate processes more efficiently while ensuring compliance with regulations.
To evaluate the platform’s impact, HITLAB conducted a user interview study with HelixVM’s referral partners. The study aimed to assess the effort-to-benefit ratio, exploring whether the platform’s value justifies the effort required for referral and onboarding. It examined the benefits experienced by both partners and patients, while also identifying key barriers to adoption. The insights from this evaluation are intended to guide efforts to enhance the platform’s overall value for both users and partners.