FAll 2024

Research Poster

Optimizing The Proficient Lab’s User Experience: Insights from Heuristic Analysis and Cognitive Walkthrough

The Proficient Labs (TPL) platform is designed to streamline laboratory processes and enhance collaboration between life science sites and organizations. TPL achieves this by providing decentralized tools and resources, including document control, customizable training modules, compliance tracking features, digital files for document storage, and AI-supported dashboards for oversight of activities and compliance status. These features support the standardization of lab processes while also allowing customization of templates to meet specific lab needs. Additionally, the platform includes an AI assistant to help users create content by pulling and reformatting original material, further enhancing the user experience.

To refine TPL’s user experience, HITLAB conducted a usability analysis, combining cognitive walkthroughs and heuristic evaluation techniques. Through cognitive walkthroughs, HITLAB simulated real user interactions to uncover potential cognitive barriers and assess how easily users can navigate the platform. The heuristic evaluation further assessed the platform’s interface against Nielsen’s 10 usability heuristics, identifying key areas for improvement in user interaction, task management, and clarity. The results of this analysis provided actionable recommendations to enhance the platform’s user-friendliness, improve task management workflows, and streamline the process of compliance tracking. These insights are aimed at making TPL a more repeatable, scalable, and efficient solution.