A Telemedicine Intervention for Hospital Case Management

Telemed worker

Faced with declining budgets, hospitals and trauma centers are increasingly pressured to find innovative solutions that allocate scare resources while effectively improving care quality. Do mobile health technologies hold the potential to address these challenges?

Improving procedure to provide better care at lower cost

In a clinical setting, mobile technology can dramatically reduce cost and improve clinical outcomes by streamlining procedures, saving time and improving productivity. By freeing up time normally allocated to menial tasks, mobile tech can also improve patient-physician interactions, which lead to better treatment and care.

One integrated recording system for better health outcomes

HITLAB teamed up with the University of Miami to evaluate MobileCARE, a smartphone-based electronic health record (EHR) and billing system to improve the efficiency and quality of care in clinical settings. Along with the Department of Defense, HITLAB worked on MobileCARE to create a single integrated system that would improve decision making and bolster the standard of care for the Army’s Forward Surgical Teams before and after deployments. MobileCare integrates both electronic and paper-based recording systems used in intensive care units, streamlining documentation of patient needs.

Women’s Health Innovators: Jessie
In the United States, women make 80 percent of healthcare decisions for the family, but the medical field still lacks equal in-person health services for women.
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Implementing MobileCARE leads to success

HITLAB designed a mixed-methods economic evaluation of the MobileCARE’s capacity to document and reference patient medical records while improving quality of clinical care. HITLAB’s evaluation provided the MobileCARE team with the insights to diffuse their groundbreaking technology, and potentially replace older, clunkier systems that no longer meet the needs of patients and practitioners.

We found a noticeable improvement in clinical outcomes following the launch of MobileCARE. Mortality rates in the trauma unit dropped by 2%, and the average length of stay was reduced by almost two days per patient. That means less patient time spent in hospitals, improved health outcomes, and happier patients and practitioners overall. 

You can read a more detailed description of this study on FedTech Insider. 

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