Myth: Compassionate leadership = weak leadership
Reality: Actually, compassionate leadership is a very strong form of leadership. In research for the book, we introduced the concept of 3 Ts. We found that the best response from employees comes when you start with Tenderness. That is how you gain Trust. And once you have trust, then you can afford to be Tenacious. If you start straight away with tenacity, you will build resentment and antagonize your employees.
Myth: Being compassionate = being nice
Reality: It is really not the same thing. For example, I can see someone in need of food and say “I feel sorry for you”, feel like I did something nice by thinking that, and then continue about my day. Compassion is different because it involves action and can lead to real impact. Empathy + Action = Impact. If there is no impact, there is no compassion.
Myth: Culture eats strategy for lunch
Reality: This couldn’t be more wrong. You must first have the trust of your people before you can address the culture of your organization. Too many leaders jump in and put together their vision, mission, values, etc without first building a trusting relationship with their employees. The outcome of that is it becomes more difficult for employees to resonate with the mission if they don’t resonate with you as a person first.
Myth: Being vulnerable means you’re weak
Reality: Actually, the more you’re willing to be vulnerable in the workforce, the more you gain the trust of employees which will allow you to lead with compassion and make a real impact in the company.